from datasets import load_dataset
import pandas as pd
import polars as pl
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from pathlib import Path
"notebook") sns.set_theme(
Raw & Instruct Datasets Analyses
= pl.scan_parquet(source="../../data/datasets/pl/raw/*")
raw_ds raw_ds.columns
Dataset description
The dataset consists of Polish Court judgements available at, containing full content of the judgements along with metadata sourced from official API and extracted from the judgement contents. Dataset was build in 3 stages, namely: 1. Data acquisition 2. Data preprocessing and extraction 3. Instruction dataset generation Following, we provide detailed description of each stage.
1. Data acquisition
First, we leveraged the official API to download all available judgements along with their metadata. The download procedure resulted in 414 148 documents, containing documents published no later than 2024-03-06
. Among all documents, 408 423 (98.62%) contain content of the judgement, hence are usable for the further processing and final dataset.
Acquired data consists of the following features:
Feature name | Feature description | Type |
_id | unique identifier of the judgement | string |
signature | signature of judgement (unique within court) | string |
date | date of judgement | datetime (ISO format with timezone) |
publicationDate | date of judgement publication | datetime (ISO format with timezone) |
lastUpdate | date of last update of judgement | datetime (ISO format with timezone) |
courtId | system unique identifier of the court | int |
departmentId | system unique identifier of the court’s department | int |
type | type of the judgement (one of ) | string |
excerpt | First 500 characters of the judgement | string or None |
content | Full content of judgement as XML file | string or None |
chairman | chairman judge name | string |
decision | decision | string or None |
judges | list of judge names participating in the judgement | list[string] |
legalBases | legal acts which are bases for the judgement (with references to online repository | list[dict[str, str]] |
Data preprocessing
For further processing, we used only documents containing judgement content. During preprocessing, we extracted additional metadata from the content XML, and then converted XML to plain text. XML files contain tagged metadata which could be readily extracted with arbitrary XML parser. In particular, we were able to extend metadata fields described above by extracting following ones from XML:
Feature name | Feature description | Type |
text_legal_bases | legal bases names found in text | list[dict[str, str]] |
num_pages | numer of pages of the original document | int |
vol_number | volume number | int |
vol_type | volume type | string |
text | plain text extracted from content XML | string |
In addition we mapped courtId
and departmentId
fields according to mapping acquired from During this procedure we identified that some judgements have incorrect court or department identifiers, and decided to leave their names as empty values. In the aftermath, mapping resulted in the additional two columns: | Feature name | Feature description | Type | |—————–|—————————–|———-| | court_name | full name of the court | string
| | department_name | full name of the court’s department | string
All acquired and preprocessed data is stored in MongoDB
dataset, and for further processing we performed dataset dump. The dumped dataset was used to create intruction dataset for information extraction. Also, we publish raw dataset dump called pl-court-judgments-raw
= raw_ds.drop_nulls(subset="court_name").select("court_name").group_by("court_name").len().sort("len", descending=True).collect().to_pandas()
court_distribution = sns.histplot(data=court_distribution, x="len", log_scale=True, kde=True)
ax set(title="Distribution of judgments per court", xlabel="#Judgements in single court", ylabel="Count")
="date").collect()["date"].str.split(" ").list.get(0).str.to_date().dt.year().value_counts().sort("date").to_pandas()
judgements_per_year = judgements_per_year[judgements_per_year["date"] < 2024]
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 5))
_, ax = sns.pointplot(data=judgements_per_year, x="date", y="count", linestyles="--", ax=ax)
ax set(xlabel="Year", ylabel="Number of Judgements", title="Yearly Number of Judgements", yscale="log")
= raw_ds.fill_null(value="<null>").select("type").group_by("type").len().sort("len", descending=True).collect().to_pandas()
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8))
_, ax = sns.barplot(data=types, x="len", y="type", errorbar=None, ax=ax)
ax set(xlabel="Count", ylabel="Type", title="Judgement types cardinality", xscale="log")
= raw_ds.with_columns([pl.col("judges").list.len().alias("num_judges")]).select("num_judges").sort("num_judges").collect().to_pandas()
num_judges = sns.histplot(data=num_judges, x="num_judges", bins=num_judges["num_judges"].nunique())
ax set(xlabel="#Judges per judgement", ylabel="Count", yscale="log", title="#Judges per single judgement")
= raw_ds.with_columns([pl.col("legalBases").list.len().alias("num_lb")]).select("num_lb").sort("num_lb").collect().to_pandas()
num_lb = sns.histplot(data=num_lb, x="num_lb", bins=num_lb["num_lb"].nunique())
ax set(xlabel="#Legal bases", ylabel="Count", yscale="log", title="#Legal bases per judgement")
= load_dataset("parquet", data_dir="../../data/datasets/pl/raw/", columns=["_id", "text"])
raw_text_ds = raw_text_ds.filter(lambda x: x["text"] is not None) raw_text_ds
= AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B")
def tokenize(batch: dict[str, list]) -> list[int]:
= tokenizer(batch["text"], add_special_tokens=False, return_attention_mask=False, return_token_type_ids=False, return_length=True)
tokenized return {"length": tokenized["length"]}
=, batched=True, batch_size=16, remove_columns=["text"], num_proc=20)
raw_text_ds raw_text_ds
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
train: Dataset({
features: ['_id', 'length'],
num_rows: 408423
= raw_text_ds["train"].to_pandas()
= sns.histplot(data=judgement_len, x="length", bins=50)
ax set(xlabel="#Tokens", ylabel="Count", title="#Tokens distribution in judgements (llama-3 tokenizer)", yscale="log")
ax.lambda x, pos: f'{int(x/1_000)}k'))
= raw_ds.fill_null(value="<null>").select(["_id", "type"]).collect().to_pandas().set_index("_id").join(judgement_len.set_index("_id"))
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
_, ax = sns.boxenplot(data=per_type_tokens, y="type", x="length")
ax set(xscale="log", title="Judgement token count per type", xlabel="#Tokens", ylabel="Type")
Instruction dataset creation
In order to verify and fine-tune Large Language Models in task of automated information extraction from judgements, we built instruction dataset as follows. First, we identified information from metadata which is contained in text of the judgement. Therefore, the following fields were selected for extraction as targets: * date
* judges
* recorder
* signature
* court_name
* department_name
* legal_bases
In order to ensure high quality of the dataset, we performed filtering procedure, as described below.
Data filtering
- Removal of judgements with missing values in targets - if any of the target field has missing value, entire judgement is discarded (information might still be contained in judgement text, and in such case the targets would be incorrect)
- Cleaning
field - in some examples, names of judges were concatenated into single name instead of being list of names, so we split them based on conjunction - Removing examples wherein targets are not in text - due to inherent errors in acquired data, some targets might be mistyped, hence we filter them out
Data cleaning removes 173297 examples, and dataset consists of 240851.
Generating instructions
After cleaning we generate instructions for information extraction. Specifically, we define same prompt for each document, as follows:
You are extracting information from the Polish court judgments.
Extract specified values strictly from the provided judgement. If information is not provided in the judgement, leave the field with null value.
Please return the response in the identical YAML format:
court_name: "<nazwa sądu, string containing the full name of the court>"
date: <data, date in format YYYY-MM-DD>
department_name: "<nazwa wydziału, string containing the full name of the court's department>"
judges: "<sędziowie, list of judge full names>"
legal_bases: <podstawy prawne, list of strings containing legal bases (legal regulations)>
recorder: <protokolant, string containing the name of the recorder>
signature: <sygnatura, string contraining the signature of the judgment>
where {context}
is replaced by text of each judgement. We highlight that judements are in Polish, hence to foster model responding in Polish, we provide name Polish names of the field in the prompt.
Instruction dataset
The dataset consists of 4 fields:
- unique identifier of the judgementprompt
- prompt containing instruction with{context}
variable which should be substituted withcontext
- judgement content (plain text)output
- label, expected output of the model
We divided dataset into train
and test
split with the following sizes: | Split | size | fraction | |——-|——–|———-| | train | 238851 | 99.17 | | test | 2000 | 0.83 |
= load_dataset("JuDDGES/pl-court-instruct")
instruct_ds instruct_ds
train: Dataset({
features: ['_id', 'prompt', 'context', 'output'],
num_rows: 238851
test: Dataset({
features: ['_id', 'prompt', 'context', 'output'],
num_rows: 2000
Split sizes
= pd.DataFrame([{"Split":k, "#": len(v)} for k, v in instruct_ds.items()])
df "%"] = df["#"] / df["#"].sum() * 100
df[round(2) df.
Split | # | % | |
0 | train | 238851 | 99.17 |
1 | test | 2000 | 0.83 |
from torch import le
def tokenize_and_comp_length_instruct_ds(batch: dict[str, list]) -> dict[str, list]:
= tokenizer(batch["context"], add_special_tokens=False, return_attention_mask=False, return_token_type_ids=False, return_length=True)
tokenized_ctx = tokenizer(batch["output"], add_special_tokens=False, return_attention_mask=False, return_token_type_ids=False, return_length=True)
return {"context_num_tokens": tokenized_ctx["length"], "output_num_tokens": tokenized_out["length"]}
=, batched=True, batch_size=32, remove_columns=["prompt", "context", "output"], num_proc=20)
instruct_ds_tok = pd.concat([instruct_ds_tok["train"].to_pandas(), instruct_ds_tok["test"].to_pandas()], axis=0, keys=["train", "test"]).reset_index(level=0).rename(columns={"level_0": "split"})
instruct_ds_tok instruct_ds_tok.head()
split | _id | context_num_tokens | output_num_tokens | |
0 | train | 150515100001006_II_K_000220_2017_Uz_2017-10-03... | 2371 | 134 |
1 | train | 152500000001521_III_AUa_000581_2013_Uz_2014-02... | 5984 | 233 |
2 | train | 155500000000503_I_ACa_000098_2016_Uz_2016-06-1... | 21328 | 128 |
3 | train | 150510000000503_I_Ca_000018_2016_Uz_2016-01-28... | 369 | 97 |
4 | train | 150515300001006_II_K_000438_2018_Uz_2018-11-14... | 6918 | 143 |
print(f"0.95 quantile of maximum output: {instruct_ds_tok['output_num_tokens'].quantile(0.95)}")
0.95 quantile of maximum output: 295.0
= instruct_ds_tok.melt(id_vars=["split"], value_vars=["context_num_tokens", "output_num_tokens"], var_name="Text", value_name="#Tokens")
tok_melt "Text"] = tok_melt["Text"].map({"context_num_tokens": "Context", "output_num_tokens": "Output"})
= sns.displot(data=tok_melt, x="#Tokens", col="Text", hue="split", kind="kde", fill=True, log_scale=True, common_norm=False, facet_kws=dict(sharex=False, sharey=False))
g "Distribution of #Tokens (llama-3 tokenizer) in Context and Output in instruct dataset")
= plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
_, ax = sns.countplot(data=per_type_tokens.join(instruct_ds_tok.set_index("_id"), how="right"), y="type", hue="split")
ax set(xscale="log", title="Distribution of types in dataset splits", xlabel="Count", ylabel="Type")